Enhance your life.
Become more embodied.
Access the healing essence within.
Our retreats offer immersive experiences with the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, while Courses offer both didactic and experiential interactions with the IFS model. Therefore, one of the main differences between a Retreat and a Course is that a Retreat will be more experiential in nature, less didactic and will NOT offer CE’s for licensure. Courses are designed for training purposes, they include both didactic and experiential activities, and you might be eligible to get CE’s towards licensure when you take a training course. Retreats are designed to enhance your life, support your personal growth and promote well-being. Engaging in experiential activities and getting more familiar with your own internal system is a wonderful way to learn the IFS model and continue to deepen your proficiency with it. So there is tremendous professional benefit from attending a retreat, even though it is not a professional training course..
Please note that the retreats offered by Mindful Child & Family staff are non-healthcare events, so no healthcare records will be kept and there will be no Protected Health Information. For more information about upcoming retreats and courses, please email sioux@mcaft.com.
Any and all deposits and/or payments for the workshop portion of our retreats / courses are non-refundable and non-transferable. Lodging payments are refundable according to the guidelines of each particular retreat center. Please note that there will be no refunds for any reason for the workshop portion, including illness. Thank you for your understanding.
We encourage you to secure travel insurance for our retreats. In case of last minute illness or emergencies, travel insurance is the best way to ensure your investment in our retreats.
You are welcome to use any of the online options, but we recommend the services of Linda Schwedock. Please note that If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you will need to secure travel insurance close to the time of making your initial deposit. (If you go with Linda, you will need to secure Travel Insurance within 3 weeks of your initial deposit. Other companies might not be as generous, and most require that travel insurance is secured within 2 weeks of making the initial deposit.) If you go with Linda, you can also ask for support with other aspects of your travel, such as accommodations and tours if you extend your stay before and after our retreat.
Linda works Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 10 – 3 pm Pacific Time. Here is Linda's contact info:
Linda Schwedock, CST# 1014242-10 | Pacific Harbor Travel
519 Seabright Avenue #201, Santa Cruz, CA 95062
1-800-435-9463 | 831-427-5000 | linda@pacificharbortravel.com
Scholarships and/or payment plans available to anyone in the BIPOC community with a financial need.
We look forward to a nourishing time together, whether for one day, an extended retreat, or an ongoing training. The health, safety, and comfort of our participants as well as the staff of the retreat center and our faculty are of utmost importance.
For your protection and safety, we continue to follow best health and safety practices with regard to COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) and other prevalent transmissible illnesses. Mindful Child & Family Therapy’s policies and practices are informed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines as well as California Department of Public Health directives.
You are encouraged to bring your own COVID-19 test with you in case you need it during your stay.
Retail centers, health clinics, hospitals, and medical supplies (including Covid tests) may be at least 25 minutes away from our retreat and course locations. Please consider this when registering.
Monitor yourself for symptoms in the five days leading up to your visit. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or another transmissible illness before you arrive, or if you have a positive COVID-19 test, please consider cancelling your participation for this retreat or course.
Guests who are traveling to join us by using public transportation (plane, bus, train, etc.) are encouraged to please be extra cautious, and to wear a mask and practice hand hygiene during their travel. Please see the CDC website for travelers’ health guidelines regarding COVID-19.
Vaccination, although recommended, is no longer required for participants.
Masking indoors is optional and at your discretion. Please consider your personal health, risk tolerance and other relevant factors when deciding whether to wear a mask.
Please be conscientious about hand hygiene. Always wash your hands/use sanitizer after touching your face or coughing/sneezing.
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or any other transmissible illness during our time together, please:
Immediately put on a mask and isolate yourself.
Contact your group leader to let us know of your illness.
Test yourself for COVID (let us know if you need a test). Even if COVID test is negative we request that you keep yourself isolated and masked if you are ill.
Please make a plan to get yourself home as soon as possible if you are ill or have COVID.
Oct 18-25, 2025
Facilitators: Kelsey Ellis, Jaclyn Long & Jalene Salus
Retreats & Courses for Therapists Retreats for General Public