Internal Family Systems

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"Perhaps love is the process of my leading you gently back to yourself.
Not whom I want you to be, but who you are." 
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

At Mindful Child & Family Therapy, several therapists on our team are honored to offer Internal Family Systems (IFS), a deeply respectful, transformative approach that helps you access the healing capacity within you. As you will see listed below, many of our therapists at Mindful Child & Family are trained in the IFS approach through the IFS Institute, and all of the therapists listed are at the very least IFS-Informed, having received an introductory IFS course and ongoing, bi-weekly IFS consultation.

This trauma informed, evidence-based approach invites you to explore and bring healing to different "Parts" of you, while accessing your "Self" - the deeply compassionate, healing essence within you...and within us all.

Watch as Jaclyn Long, the Founder and Director of Mindful Child & Family, shares about our work with the healing modality of IFS:

All Parts Are Welcome. 

Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION today!

Our clinical team has found that Internal Family Systems (IFS) can be an effective treatment for:

    • Anxiety / Stress / Worry / Panic / Overwhelm
    • Chronic Pain / Migraines / Insomnia
    • Depression
    • Suicidal Thoughts
    • Addiction
    • Trauma / PTSD
    • Early Childhood Trauma / Developmental Trauma
    • Relationships / Family Dynamics
    • Couples Issues
    • Parenting Issues

To learn more about this approach, you can:

If this sounds interesting, and you'd like to explore whether Internal Family Systems is the right fit for you, schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with one of our IFS trained and/or informed therapists.

"It’s easy to identify with all the places we’ve been hurt and abandoned, but can we identify with the timeless wholeness that weathers every abuse, every condition?" 

— Bonnie Myotai Treace