Mom’s Groups

Promoting Maternal Wellness

Our Mind Body Moms Groups are offered on Thursdays from 9am-11am with Jaclyn Long, through Mind Body Moms. These wellness groups and are considered "non-healthcare" activities, which means that no healthcare records will be kept. Our Mindful Moms Groups weave together:

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS) meditation
  • Mindfulness-based yoga
  • Parent education
  • Authentic sharing
  • Community building

We are social mammals. All of us share a vital need to connect.  And when we become mothers, the drive for meaningful connection is amplified. Our Mind Body Moms Groups offer a place for you to connect with your deepest Self, as well as other like-minded mothers on the path of conscious parenthood. 

Moms in our groups have children of all ages. Currently, most of the moms have school-aged children, such as middle schoolers, high schoolers and college aged kids. Some have younger children, and some are empty nesters. We all learn from each other and feel a strong sense of sisterhood on this journey of motherhood.

When a new mom joins our group, it can feel a little vulnerable. Please know that the moms in our circle really appreciate meeting new moms, and we warmly welcome and embrace the new mothers who courageously join our circle of support! 

Jaclyn has supported hundreds of women on their journey of motherhood, and she would be honored to support you! Please join us:

We also offer the following: